Service providers urged to use multiple channels for sexual and reproductive health education

The complications some women go through when they are put on family planning, the lack of mobility of some health workers who provide outreach services, and the rudeness shown to patients by some healthcare providers engaged the attention of stakeholders at a joint community interface meeting and a media training workshop at the South Dayi district of the Volta region.

Other issues such as the need for health care providers, health promotion practitioners, and policy makers to use multiple channels and strategies including the use of radio stations, community information centres and health education programmes at the churches, mosques, and other outlets also came up for discussions during the meeting.

These discussions formed part of efforts to scale up and improve health care services, especially in the delivery of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) care to vulnerable groups such as women and adolescents in the South Dayi district and the Akyemansa district in the Eastern region.

The community interface meeting and media training workshop, which took place at Kpeve in the South Dayi district was attended by health workers, policy makers, community members from the area and also group of journalists from the Greater Accra, Eastern and Volta regions.

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